The origin story of the iconic Captain Nemo: an Indian Prince robbed of his birthright and family, a prisoner of the East India Mercantile Company and a man bent on revenge against the forces that have taken everything from him.
Shazad Latif, Georgia Flood, Thierry Frémont, Céline Menville, Jacob Collins-Levy, Cameron Cuffe, Benedict Hardie, Kayden Price, Tyrone Ngatai, Arlo Green, Ling Cooper Tang, Pacharo Mzembe, Amshan Kumar, Chum Ehelepola, Andrew Shaw, Damien Garvey, Luke Arnold, Leeanna Walsman, Socratis Otto, Karis Merie, Muki Zubis, Tahirr Aashhraf, Donnie Baxter, Amanda O'Dempsey, Lukas Whiting, Caroline Goodall, Harrison Irvin, Haris Latif, Pierce Gordon, Daniel Reader, Cassie Riley, Sami Afuni, Chris Bridgewater, Ray Sinclair, Bryan Probets, Caitlin Hill, Sean Miguel Perez, Barry Havenga, Jacob Turner, Drew Matthews, Mirko Grillini, Connor Barton, Stephen Walker, Alex Radu, Joel Drabble, Abhilash Kaimal, Daniel Goodwin, Adolphus Waylee, Srisacd Sacdpraseuth, Sam Sidhu, Jordan Thwaites, Steven Cragg, Patrick Hogan, Marcus Oborn, Isabelle Lindores, Sophia Lim, Julieta Roldan
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